Yesterday, I encountered a nice discussion about religions with my friends. At first, one of them commented about my "scary" tweets, about how a Korean painter was taken to the hell by Jesus Christ. There, He showed the painter the condition in hell, how people are so miserable because of the sins they'd committed, and ask him to paint that freightening views. My tweets basically criticized it, because I don't think that was for real. How could we know if it's real? How could we know if we're really going to hell or heaven? And the most important, can we avoid making sins?
My friend said my thoughts are scary, and she told me I couldn't do that, and I should've respected other people's beliefs.
I personally think those religious people must also respect what I believe too. It's because they always blabbering around about what they 'think' is the truth, while really, I am sure, they themselves don't know about how valid their beliefs are! So if people are talking so loud about what they believe, why can't I? Really, people nowadays are being so snobbish, just because they are majority and they think they hold the real truth and salvationism.
Anyway, it really comes to my mind about how this people trust something (their religions) so easily, even though, basically, their source is just the Holy Bible.
People trust everything written on their bible like they really hear God's speech directly from His mouth.
Me? I trust in God's existence. No wonder there's some very great power beyond our limitations as humans. But religion? How can I know it hasnt been interfered with people low rasionalism all this time?
I mean, it's been 2000 years since Christ. And bible is something that human had written. This fact, somehow, is more accurate than the bible content itself, since it's been written loooonngg ago, when people were copying some literatures by hands. That time, anything can happen. Those who'd done the copying might have put their thoughts instead of copying the real words. And then, there's a problem about translating the bible into English.
A lot of mistakes happen in those period of times, especially if we learn about the history of religions. (maybe that's why in teaching religions, people never teach the history part, because they know people who hear will doubt the religions in the end).
The question is, why people never ask?
I believe the answer to that question is because from they were born until now, they are taught to be afraid of God, and we better never doubt Him.
Yes, we must not doubt Him. But I really doubt what people are saying about Him. I dont want to trust something to easily just because other people say, "It's true!". I want to know the real truth behind it, that's why I doubt. I ask.
I believe by asking, by knowing more, we could find the real existence of God. Just like we wouldn't be able to fly nowadays if The Wright Brothers never dreamt about flying. I believe, we will never find the real Him if we didn't ask.
So trust in Him, but ask! Ask more! Doubt more! and then finally, hopefully, we will find the real Him. :))
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
..l i f e..
- :
- :+:EeEToOo...:+:
- :+:FavOuRitE ThiNgS:+:
- :+:FigHT OU:+:
- :+:GooD ThinGs At LasT:+:
- :+:IdoLs:+:
- :+:Let's Safe The Earth:+:
- :+:MeMoRaBLe:+:
- :+:movie:+:
- :+:NicE ThinGs:+:
- :+:Nightmare:+:
- :+:Not So Good:+:
- :+:ObiTuaRy:+:
- :+:ReNunGaN:+:
- :+:Sucks:+:
- :+:YARO:+:
- :+L'Arc~en~CieL:+:
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- ..h a p p y..
- ..i n f o..
- ..l i f e..
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y9 barOe dr MereKa . .
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4 p i e c e s . .: pengen diskusi ama lw kapan2 tiff
diskusi ttg apa yan? you know it's going to be totally useless if you're trying to turn me into some highly religious people.. =))
so inspirative
even i also doubt religion,not GOD... :)
yaah diskusi aja, ttg ini..agama itu selalu tema yg menarik tiff buat dibicarain, ya kan?
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