Social Puppets
One of the endless issues in this world is about identity. And identity, for me, is about acceptance, whether it is by ourselves or by others. Both are really essential in determining how somebody would create his/her personality, something people unconsciously build under a lot of opinions.
Terserah mau terima teori gw ato nggak, but that's all I could think behind every people's personality. Mungkin ada juga orang yang kepribadiannya lepas dan liar, sama sekali nggak peduli dengan pendapat orang lain. Tapi kebanyakan orang pasti cenderung membentuk diri sebagaimana tanggapan orang-orang di sekitarnya. Like, "Aduh, lu ga bagus deh pake baju itu. Terlalu manis buat lu...", or, "Jangan bertingkah alay begitu deh. Apa? Ga terima? Please, lebay ah lo. Biasa aja kali."
Whatever it is, we are a social creature. Human needs to socialize. And if you're not acting like how the public likes it, then bam! Your whole life crushes! In a blink of an eye..
It is cruel, I must say, especially if we take a look at how hard it is to grab an identity. Everyday in this world, teenagers struggle to get themselves acceptance from their peers. Well, not only teenagers, it appears...But also the world of adults. We're struggling everyday to be more likeable, either by applying make ups, do some plastic surgery, pretending to love something we don't, or most of times, we pretend to be other people.
It's pathetic, don't you think so?
And I also think that all of it also depends at how we treat others too. We often says we want some change, we dont like people who judge on the first impression, etc, etc. But what we really do is totally the opposite. We judge people. We mistreat them. We're being the mean animals here.
Kenapa mau berteman aja harus pilih-pilih, dia keren atau nggak, dia kaya atau nggak, dia asik atau nggak? Bukankah yang terpenting dalam berteman adalah perasaan saling menerima, saling mengerti, dan saling menghargai? Bahwa orang tertentu, keren atau nggak keren, asik atau nggak asik, tetap bisa membuat kita nyaman dan menjadi diri kita apa adanya? Mengapa banyak orang yang menutup diri dalam pergaulan hanya karena beberapa kriteria-kriteria tertentu yang konyol?
Here I might sound hyprocicy, cuz in some situations I also can be quite picky when choosing friends, but only in special situation that makes me feel uncomfortable being around those poor people. (well, I cant deny that there's always someone who makes you really uneasy being close to them...)
But really, start from now, we gotta make some change. Dont take someone for granted, don't be picky while making friends, respect each others, and always try to put ourselves in people's shoes, so we know what they might think. Friendship is not always about money or having fun, but rather someone who can understand you, make you comfortable, and accept what we really are!
So, be nice to as many people as you can! =))
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